On Fri, 15 Jun 2001, Vishy Kasar wrote:

> Hi,
> We are thinking of embedding TomCat4.0  in our app server. We have
> limited number of top level directories and want to rearrange the TomCat
> files in that directory structure.
> Specifically we want the common/lib to be present as lib/common and
> server/lib to be present as lib/server. This will reduce the top level
> directories from three (lib, server, common) to just one.

Actually, you'd need at least two ("/classes" and "/lib") for this
strategy to completely replace the current model.  The complete current
model looks like this:

  classes/           Unpacked classes for "Shared" classloader

    classes/         Unpacked classes for "Common" classloader
    lib/             JAR files for "Common" classloader

    classes/         Unpacked classes for "Catalina" classloader
    lib/             JAR files for "Catalina" classloader

  lib/               JAR files for "Shared" classloader
An alternative based on your desires might look like:



> Here are a few options that are available to me. Can you folks suggest a
> good one for this situation?
> 1. Make the change only in our copy of bootstrap.java and remember to do
> this change each time we get a new version of tomcat from apache.
> 2. Make the directory names configurable by adding 2 more variables
> CATALINA_SERVER_LIB and CATALINA_COMMON_LIB and contribute the change
> back to apache.
> 3. Assume that reducing top level directories is a good idea in general,
> do the change suggested in #1 above and contribute it back to apache.
> --
> Cheers!

I don't see "reducing the number of top level directories" as a very
compelling goal, and prefer to see the stuff sorted at the top level based
on which classloader it's going to go into.

Note also that having a top-level "lib" directory for user application
classes is getting pretty common.

What do others think?


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