Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 06:10:42PM +0100, Andy Armstrong wrote:
> > "Swart, James (Jim) ** CTR **" wrote:
> > >
> > > why is it everyone has such a hard time getting off this list?  Someone put
> > > me in charge of getting people off the jarkata maillists, I'll make sure
> > > it's done to ensure these floods of "get me off here" is done... Sound good?
> >
> > Can't it be automated? What are the lists running on?
> Apache.org is using ezmlm.  The problem is when users don't confirm the
> unsubscription or send it from the wrong address.  It is automated, but
> it isn't idiot-proof.


> It'd be nice to have a human moderator who reads tomcat-dev and can
> manually take people off the list when they start to complain on-list.
> -- justin


Andy Armstrong, Tagish

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