On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 06:10:42PM +0100, Andy Armstrong wrote:
> > "Swart, James (Jim) ** CTR **" wrote:
> > > 
> > > why is it everyone has such a hard time getting off this list?  Someone put
> > > me in charge of getting people off the jarkata maillists, I'll make sure
> > > it's done to ensure these floods of "get me off here" is done... Sound good?
> > 
> > Can't it be automated? What are the lists running on?
> Apache.org is using ezmlm.  The problem is when users don't confirm the
> unsubscription or send it from the wrong address.  It is automated, but
> it isn't idiot-proof.

Even in the "wrong address" case, the reply that you get tells you what's
wrong and how to fix it.  Of course, even here nobody reads the
documentation ... :-).

I tried to remove the original complainer, but there's no current
subscription under the email address he sent this message from.  That
means either someone beat me to it, or he's getting messages forwarded to
him from somebody else.

> It'd be nice to have a human moderator who reads tomcat-dev and can 
> manually take people off the list when they start to complain on-list.  

There are (Pier and me).  Among other things, we have to approve any post
from non-subscribers, and you'd be amazed at how much crap we shield this
list from :-).  But it's not anywhere close to the highest priority task
for either of us.

> -- justin


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