Punky Tse wrote:

> Alex,
> Please see my comment below:
> 1) The details of the TOC looks better than my version.

Thanks :)

> 2) How about moving Developing Interceptors, Valves and Connectors, and
> Using Tomcat Utility Classes to a seperate Developer Guide?  They are only
> useful for real hackers.

I think just having them at then end of the single developer's guide 
works fine.  Especially when you consider that they will be separate 
documents anyway (separate authors, separate cvs logs, etc.).

> 3) How about putting all the installation and configuration of Tomcat
> standalone first, and then followed by some chapters (advanced topics) about
> Running Tomcat behind web servers?

It's already organized that way. See the first paragraph of the 
"editorial notes:"
 >>I think there should be a
 >>chapter or series of chapters on installing Tomcat standalone, that
 >>covers *everything* or almost everything start-to-finish. Then we also
 >>need separate chapters for installing behind each Web server. Then
 >>come chapters on administration and advanced configuration issues.

I have a feeling you may have missed the attachment. See the post I just 
made for the latest one (in much detail).

> 5) About Copyright and Authorship.  It is fine for you to hold the
> copyright.  But if somebody modified your TOC and send back to you, and you
> accepted these changes.  How about identity of authorship of this document?

Yes, this is a big can of worms.  I'm actually afraid the Apache license 
is too restrictive for our purposes.  I want to make sure that both 
original authors and later contributors have the right the use their 
work -- even in part -- in other contexts. But I also want to make sure 
that someone else can't plagiarize it, so just making it public domain 
wouldn't work either.  I haven't done enough research yet though.

  - A

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