> Unless and until there's a 3.3 or 4.0 final release, *3.2* is the "latest
> Tomcat release", and deserves to be documented on the web site.

Ah, but that's exactly my point.  I see two versions of Tomcat docs up there
now and I'm like, "wtf?"  Why have the 3.3 docs online then?  Now that I've
RTFM, I'm enlightened.  So what I'm saying is this: once 3.3 is final then
we aren't expected to update the 3.2.x docs.  The 3.2.x docs become the 3.3
docs after modification - we don't have to maintain a version 3.2.x docs.

This is my take on Alex's question of "should we maintain separate versions
of the doc for older versions?"  So when 4.1 comes out, do we maintain 4.0
documentation, or does it become 4.1 documentation?  My opinion is the

- r

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