On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Rob S. wrote:
> > Ahhhh, maybe I should add this to the INSTALL.txt file - unset your
> > CLASSPATH before starting TC?  I've logged into my fair share of *nix boxes
> > where the admins have conveniently set a system-wide CLASSPATH containing an
> > XML parser, etc.
> > 
> The standard Tomcat 4 startup scripts already ignore your CLASSPATH
> variable, and reconstruct one tuned to its needs.  If you want to make
> application classes available to all web apps, put them (unpacked) into
> $CATALINA_HOME/classes or in JAR files under $CATALINA_HOME/lib.

So, does that cross-apply to having all of your classes from /classes and
/lib available for the JSP's to use when being compiled by Jasper?


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