On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, jean-frederic clere wrote:

> "Pier P. Fumagalli" wrote:
> > 
> > Craig R. McClanahan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Pier P. Fumagalli wrote:
> > >
> > >> Since it can be used by different projects (not only Tomcat), I wanted to
> > >> separate the Service code into a new CVS repository (jakarta-service).
> > >>
> > >> How about it?
> > >
> > > Under the management of which subproject?
> > 
> > For now, still Tomcat... My only "concern" is that also the build process
> > isn't integrated, as most of it is Java code, while Service is native...
> > 
> > > How about putting it in commons, if it's really as general purpose as it
> > > sounds?
> > 
> > Dunno, I don't know that much about commons to really say... From what I
> > know, also "commons" is 100% Java...

So far, commons is 100% Java, but I don't believe they (really we, cause
I'm a committer there :-) would be opposed to a commonly useful project
that has native code components.

> jakarta-tomcat-connectors is a place where C and Java are mixed ;-)
> What about jakarta-tomcat-connectors/service?

Except for the fact that it's not a connector, and has nothing really to
do with Tomcat :-)

If we stay under Tomcat auspices, I'd vote for jakarta-tomcat-service

> > 
> >     Pier


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