"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> [snip]
> For Tomcat 4, what do folks think of omitting the sources from the binary
> distribution?  This would knock the size of the binary distributions down
> by around 2 megabytes (which I'm sure people would also appreciate).

FWIW, I completely agree. I actually get a little irritated when I
download a package for which I specifically selected "binary" and find
source in my directory tree. It needlessly dragged out out my download
time and junks up my hard drive. The only reason I ever download
binaries is if I am not at all interested in the source for that
particular package, and I will download the source myself should I
become so. I find it cheeky to sneak it in there. Not that I ever feel
that way about Tomcat, of course ... I love you guys and all your
fancy-schmancy code =)

On a related topic, I was a little surprised to find a source directory
in my "dist" build. Again, today was my very first forray into 4.0, so I
have no historical context for the 4.0 build process. I did read
somewhere along the way that "build dist" was to produce exactly the
same layout as something else (the binary distro, perhaps, but I can't
remember), so maybe that's the reason it is historically included. But
as long as you are considering dropping the source from the binaries,
which I think is a good idea, my humble suggestion would also be to drop
it from the dist target. Again, it was an very extraneous directory for
the production system where I sent it, so I ended up manually deleting
it. Anyway, just my experience ...

- Christopher

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