> For Tomcat 4, what do folks think of omitting the sources from the binary
> distribution?  This would knock the size of the binary distributions down
> by around 2 megabytes (which I'm sure people would also appreciate).

...exactly why I emailed about it in the first place =)  I have an old
laptop with a paltry 2GB HD and with Windows, every OUNCE of space I can
free up is worth it.  Also, I think 3.x still includes them and I'm kind of
surprised to see "src" in there.  Whenever I want to see src, I always go to
web cvs anyways.

I think it's good to have the source for the version you're running if you
ever need to snoop around, but we could save the world some bandwidth and
time for the very few instances this occurs =)

- r

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