> Can you send a list with the commiters that will become deprecated ?
> Does this include 3.x commiters as well ? ( from the proposal it seems you
> are talking about 4.0 commiters ).

I'm talking about ANY committer who hasn't been active for the past 6
months. Those are 17 out of the 45 we have but I would like to propose to
the PMC to review the list of committers every 6 months and mail EVERY
committer (even the active ones) about their committer status... If they are
unreachable, untraceable, or don't reply with a "YES" (in a reasonable
amount of time, to avoid vacations, absences, and so on). They can be
"deprecated"... This is mainly for security reasons... More users with
logins, more problems more attacks possible... Icarus is pretty secure, but
can we guarantee the same level of security of all machines where private
keys of individuals are stored and so on? Blabalbalbal.

People I know and can contact easily:

 - stefano ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Stefano Mazzocchi
 - mode ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Rajiv Mordani
 - akv ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Anil Vijendran
 - ed ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Ed Korthof

People I know, but I'm not in contact with:

 - shemnon (???) Danno Ferrin
 - gonzo (???) James Todd
 - jluc (???) Jean-Luc Rochat

People I don't know and haven't seen around:

 - preston (???) Preston Bannister
 - shachor (???) Gal Shachor
 - harishp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Harish Prabandham
 - arun (???) Arun Jamwal
 - ariedel (???) Andy Riedel
 - gaburici ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Vasile Gaburici
 - shai (???) Shai Fultheim

There are others that, from time to time, pop around on this mailing list,
but I never saw one commit coming from them (although I have only a 6-months
old archive, I would repropose this further on in the future, when some of
them will definitely over the 6 months limit).


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