On the off chance anyone needs to know (and I appear to be
the only one who cares about XML syntax issues :) it looks
from the code like what Jasper is doing is that, while parsing a tag, 
it outputs any uninterpreted child tags it encounters, but accumulates
all child sections of character data until the end tag of the parent and
then writes it all out at once in a single CDATA. This gives the
effect I described in a previous mail where a mixture of markup and 
data comes out of Jasper in a different order, with the CDATA at the end.

I guess this means a solution is to wrap all such data in <jsp:text>
tags. Perhaps this is even a requirement; the spec is not entirely clear
on the distinction between template data and XML fragments. Most
of the time, character data seems to be handled ok by Jasper
without the <jsp:text> tags, but maybe that is misleading and wrong. 
Does anyone clearly understand the intent of the spec here?


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