On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, Mark Abbott wrote:

> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 15:04:49 -0700
> From: Mark Abbott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [BUG] Jasper parsing of XML documents
> On the off chance anyone needs to know (and I appear to be
> the only one who cares about XML syntax issues :) it looks
> from the code like what Jasper is doing is that, while parsing a tag,
> it outputs any uninterpreted child tags it encounters, but accumulates
> all child sections of character data until the end tag of the parent and
> then writes it all out at once in a single CDATA. This gives the
> effect I described in a previous mail where a mixture of markup and
> data comes out of Jasper in a different order, with the CDATA at the end.

Do you have "uninterpreted" text that is *not* inside a <jsp:text> block?
I don't think that is actually allowed.  I will check with the spec lead.

> I guess this means a solution is to wrap all such data in <jsp:text>
> tags. Perhaps this is even a requirement; the spec is not entirely clear
> on the distinction between template data and XML fragments. Most
> of the time, character data seems to be handled ok by Jasper
> without the <jsp:text> tags, but maybe that is misleading and wrong.
> Does anyone clearly understand the intent of the spec here?

The way I read things, the goal of the spec is that a page in the original
syntax, and the same page in its corresponding XML syntax, should generate
identical output.  The rules for transforming JSP syntax to XML syntax say
to embed *all* template text in <jsp:text> elements, which would imply
that (in the XML syntax view of the page) there would be no uninterpreted
template text anywhere *except* inside <jsp:text> tags (suitably escaped
with CDATA as needed).

>        Mark


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