> "Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> I am not talking about what API's/jar files are required to build Tomcat
> The only place my tests were used was to determine if the jar file should
> get copied into $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib when I do a build. The official
> distribution you build will still contain all the jar files you want.
> And if someone is building Tomcat 4 from source and follow your directions
> for building they to will get those jar files copied into common/lib.
> If they fail to follow your directions for configuring the
build.properties file
> either the build will break or the required jars will not be available at
> Hopefully someone building from source is clueful enough to figure that
> This doesn't affect the binary distribution, which is where the support
> questions come from.
> I don't see anything wrong with making the _build_ a bit flexible instead
> of forcing all who build Tomcat 4 into a one size fits all mode.

I think that it's very good for big projects, because it will force you to
test everything (instead of leaving out parts of the code which may be
Example: There was a bug in Catalina with JDK 1.3 and JNDI which was caused
by having 'jndi.jar' loaded in the commonCL, which was causing a conflict
with the JNDI classes loaded by the system CL. Now, if you allow developers
to not have jndi.jar with JDK 1.3, that pretty much guarantees that the bug
will be found out much later.

Of course, there are a extreme cases, like IMO the JAF and JavaMail. I say
it's time to create that 'modules' repository and put these factories there
(but that can wait for the next release) :)


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