I am trying to compile the Tomcat 4.0 rc2 source on a Redhat 7.1 box and
I get the following ant error when I do a ant dist.

    [javac] Compiling 2 source files to
cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol  : class ServerSocketFactory
    [javac] location: package net
    [javac] import javax.net.ServerSocketFactory;
    [javac]                  ^

Setting CLASSPATH seems to make no differences (greped for the jar with
this class)

Gory details:

I am running RedHat 7.1 on a PII -350.  Using Java 1.3.1  I followed the
15 step installation BUILD doc (All the sub packages are in
/usr/local/jakarta and I modified build.xml to point to the sub-packages
correctly. I tried removing the CLASSIC line but that doesn't totally

I looked at the FAQ's and searched the archives to no avail (search for
build.xml, serversocket, class not found, cannot resolve symbol  and
some others but no good hits).

I downloaded the Tomcat binary and that installs and runs fine but
I want to compile the source since I'm thinking about helping out (but
I have an apparent learning curve first).

Thanks in advance,
Bruce Kaufman

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