Thanks Craig! You give me the pointer I needed. The jsse lib directory was empty. I 
unzipped it again and the build worked!
BTW: some comments below.

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, Bruce Kaufman wrote:
> > Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 15:07:05 -0700
> > From: Bruce Kaufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Compile failure on Tomcat 4.0 rc2 on Linux (RedHat 7.1)
> >
> > I am trying to compile the Tomcat 4.0 rc2 source on a Redhat 7.1 box and
> > I get the following ant error when I do a ant dist.
> >
> >     [javac] Compiling 2 source files to
> > /usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-rc2-src/catalina/build/classes
> >     [javac]
> > 
> > cannot resolve symbol
> >     [javac] symbol  : class ServerSocketFactory
> >     [javac] location: package net
> >     [javac] import;
> >     [javac]                  ^
> >
> > Setting CLASSPATH seems to make no differences (greped for the jar with
> > this class)
> >
> > Gory details:
> >
> > I am running RedHat 7.1 on a PII -350.  Using Java 1.3.1  I followed the
> > 15 step installation BUILD doc (All the sub packages are in
> > /usr/local/jakarta and I modified build.xml to point to the sub-packages
> > correctly. I tried removing the CLASSIC line but that doesn't totally
> > help.
> >
> You don't actually have to modify build.xml -- the basic idea is that you
> set configurable things in your personal copy of "",
> either local to this project in the top level directory, or global to all
> your Jakarta builds in the user home directory.  A
> "" file is present to give you a starting point.

I mistyped. I did only modify the build properties. Mainly the reason I did was for 
consistenacy (OK I'm sort of anal). Some
of the packages use "-", some "_" and some nothing to separate the name and version. I 
prefer <name>_<version>.

I did make one change to build.xml and that was to turn off classic. I'll turn it on 
again to see if it compiles just out of
curiousity. I've worked on some other projects where it made a big difference.

> > I looked at the FAQ's and searched the archives to no avail (search for
> > build.xml, serversocket, class not found, cannot resolve symbol  and
> > some others but no good hits).
> >
> > I downloaded the Tomcat binary and that installs and runs fine but
> > I want to compile the source since I'm thinking about helping out (but
> > I have an apparent learning curve first).
> >
> The particular class you are getting the error on
> ( is part of JSSE.  Double check that you've
> defined the "jsse.jar", "jcert.jar", and "jnet.jar" properties correctly.
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Bruce Kaufman
> >
> >
> >
> Craig

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