Personally, I've rather enjoyed following MinTC's progress (OK, not really
following, since I haven't actually looked at the code :).  I could see how
someone might think it rude to post the announcement on tomcat-user (since
many people there are easily confused :), but IMHO MinTC is something that
we should see more of on tomcat-dev, not less.

MinTC is certainly not a competitor with Tomcat 4.x.  According to Costin,
Tomcat 3.3 almost runs under J2ME (I haven't tried it), but MinTC is a
different servlet spec than 3.3, so again, not a competitor.  I can't see
any good reason to block MinTC announcements given that they certainly
aren't abusing bandwidth.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher K. St. John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 7:58 PM
Subject: MinTC, "terrible rudeness", persistence

>  I've been informed by private email that I am "terribly
> rude" for making announcements of MinTC releases on the
> tomcat-dev list, and that I should not make any futher
> announcements.
>  So that's it then? I've been kicked off tomcat-dev (how
> does that work on an open source project!?) because I've
> offended someone by writing code they don't like!?!?
>  This is a bit of a problem for me, as MinTC is, technically,
> a version of Catalina, and should be a perfectly appropriate
> topic for tomcat-dev. Especially when it's one message every
> few weeks.
>  MinTC is certainly not a mainline version of Tomcat 4, but
> it shares a significant amount of (unforked) code, and that
> makes it important to seek a close relationship with the
> people maintaining the codebase. It's a bit like sharing a
> telephone booth with an 800 lb gorilla: it's a bit much to
> hope to have any influence over what phone calls are made,
> but at least you can hope to make your presence know so that
> you don't get sat on.
>  It's a dilemma: there's no point in having an antagonistic
> relationship with the core Tomcat developers, that's worse
> than nothing. But good grief! This is an opensource project!
> MinTC is a version of Catalina, where the heck else am I
> going to discuss it? I'm contributing bug fixes and code back
> to the core implementation, I'm helping to clean up the core
> interfaces, I'm using the Catalina code, I'm doing documentation
> work, but I'm not welcome? That seems so strange, and so sad.
>  I'd like to get some feedback from someone other than the
> person who wrote me privately. Craig? Could you give me an
> opinion please? You seem to have the moral leadership role
> here. Anybody else, please chime in. I'm horrified that I might
> have been being unknowingly rude, but I'm at a loss to explain
> how exactly I've caused such awful offense. I honestly don't
> get it.
>  Thanks, and please, as you think about your response, keep in
> mind that the Catalina proposal docs specifically talk about
> people doing exactly what MinTC does under the Catalina umbrella.
>  Thanks, and sorry for any inadvertant rudeness,
> -cks
> --
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