On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Bill Barker wrote:

> Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 22:16:40 -0700
> From: Bill Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Tomcat Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: MinTC, "terrible rudeness", persistence
> >
> > Now, maybe I'm alone thinking this, but I would be happy if you omitted
> > stuff like "F**K", "S**T" or anything related from the emails you post on
> > this list.
> You probably are. :-)  As you can see below, you are also grossly
> mis-representing what Pier actually wrote (by implying that he violated
> netiquette by capitalizing).  His comment was non-offensive (and
> accurate;-).  I've certainly used f**k on the list in the past (usually
> followed by the word "up"), and have no intention of changing when that is
> the best description (or at least until the PMC rules otherwise:).

<personal-opinion author="craigmcc">
I find the use of profanity in email (or any other form of speech) to be
somewhere between immature and disgusting, depending on the age of the
person using it.  Note that hiding behind "***" doesn't make the slightest
bit of difference.

That doesn't stop me from having to deal with this kind of stuff all the
time.  But please don't ever assume that *I* will find it acceptable (even
on the rare occasions when I succumb to emotion and use such words
myself).  Indeed, you can correctly assume that it will lower my
willingness to even listen to what is being said, whether it makes sense
or not.

> I rarely agree with Pier, but this is the exception.  If you had a problem
> with Chris's post, it should have gone to the list.  If you'd called a vote
> and won, then Chris can't complain.
> > Of course, I'm not the police, and I am not impersonating anyone by saying
> > this, but as I felt about the MinTC posts, I'm just stating my personal
> > opinion.
> >
> > > I strongly disagree with you, Remy, especially for the tone you used in
> > your
> > > private email to Chris. I might be a f***ed up flamethrower, but I try
> to
> > be
> > > politically correct. Before going out "impersonating" the Tomcat-DEV
> > > community, I would have preferred you asked (at least) some of your
> mates
> > > over there at Sun (like Craig, who's also an ASF member).
> >

As you will note in this case, and in many others, there is no such thing
as the "Sun" viewpoint on many TOMCAT-DEV issues.  And that's appropriate
-- we are individuals with our own opinions.

Of course, the very same thing can be said about any mythical common "ASF
Member" viewpoint ... :-)


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