"Jeffrey Bonevich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> (sorry if this has come through already, but I did not see the post on
> the mail archive, so I done went and subscribed to the list to resend it)
> For those of you who do not regularly cruise the tomcat-user postings
> (you all do that regularly, right? ;-), a number of us in the user
> community have been struggling with getting Tomcat 4 integrated with
> Apach 2 using mod_webapp.  I and a number of other users found a number
> of problems in the build process for mod_webapp - biggest of which is
> that the Makefile does not actually produce a DSO module (i.e.
> mod_webapp.so) for Apache 2.  We figured out that the following will do
> so (after running configure and make):
> cd ${LOCATION_OF_CONNECTOR_SRC}/webapp/lib
> gcc -shared -o libwebapp.so *.lo
> cd ../apache-2.0
> ${APACHE_HOME}/build/libtool --silent --mode=link \
>   gcc -shared -o mod_webapp.so -rpath ${APACHE_HOME}/modules \
>   -module -avoid-version -I../include  -L../lib \
>   -dlopen ../lib/libwebapp.la  mod_webapp.lo
> cp mod_webapp.so ${APACHE_HOME}/modules/
> I have included a brief HOWTO that I compiled during the process of
> figuring this all out.  If more information is needed, please let me
> know directly to my email (I am not presently on the dev mailing list
> distribution).

Jeff. Thank you very much for the code, this will need to be integrated in
out ./configure.in code as well (I know it's broken, I use 2.0 almost

Will try to patch it up with your changes later during this week-end (or if
you want to tackle M4, well, you're more than welcome! :) :) :)


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