Hi Mathias,

Thanks for the review.

Few comments:

> Configure all Apache instances so they see all Tomcat instances, assign
> a higher priority to local workers on each Apache, therefore local

What you set is the 'level' ( or proximity, distance, etc ) - lower 
numbers mean closer ( and higher priority, local worker ). 

I still need to add and verify the setters and check the various cases.

> workers, is called hwlb. The hardware load balancer checks the health of
> the Apache servers using a URI which is served by hwlb instead of lb,

You may have noticed the 'jk_status' worker - it displays runtime 
informations ( still in progress - we need to agregate the statistics 
from all workers using shm, but the status of the workers should be fine ).

It can be easily extended ( or a similar handler added ) so it 
can generate info that can be 'consumed' by a front load balancer
or other tools. Like number of active workers and average response times.

I am also investigating how we can use the number of active connections
on each worker and the response times in the main lb, any idea would
be wellcome :-)

> This setup solves my use cases at least, I don't know for Bernd's.

Ok, but let me know if you find jk2 acceptable for your case and 
what is the minimal change to jk1 that we can do. I still have 
to merge your patches, I was waiting for more comments.

I don't think we can/should backport the new code, it's far too

> There remains a related problem in jk_requtil in
> jk2_requtil_getCookieByName, as I mentioned several months ago on the
> list, the cookie extraction does not work for cookies whose format
> conforms to RFC 2169, that is the cookie value is enclosed in double
> quotes. Such cookie format is used by lynx for example. I had submitted
> a patch into the bug database but cannot find it anymore, I'll have to
> look up my archives.

Please do, and send it to the list ( with PATCH ).

I would apreciate 2 patches, one for jk1 and one for jk2 ( if the problem 
is in both ).


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