Quoting Dev Zero G Ltd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > Which version of Apache 2.0 did you have ?
> We are running Apache 2.0.39 on FreeBSD 4.4


> >>--- patch history start ---
> >>Filename: jk\native2\include\jk_mutex.h
> >>
> >>Line #    :75
> >>Old line  :
> >>#ifdef HAS_APR
> >>New line:
> > 
> > +1
> > 
> >>#ifdef HAS_APR
> > 
> > 
> >>Line #    :121
> >>Old line  :
> >>#ifdef APR_HAS_THREADS
> >>
> >>New line:
> >>
> >>Reason:    This conditional define statement adjusts variable
> >>definition (threadMutex). Type of this variable depends on define
> >>directive conditions, but to have needed types there are some #ifdef
> >>statements on lines 75-81. So, those definition statements are not
> >>the same, and this situation causes build-time error, when compiler
> >>includes one header file (with one type defined inside), but variable
> >>tries to have another type (found by me in another .h file - not
> >>included while build time due to #ifdef directives). Such changes
> >>were done experimentally and may be not 100% correct. In original
> >>compiler fails with message like "syntax error on before
> >>apr_thread_mutex_t in line 121"
> >>
> > 
> > apr.h have #define APR_AS_THREADS 1 so both should be the same.
> > Didn't have any build error with that on Linux Redhat 7.2 + apache 2.0.39
> ...
> > 
> our version of apr.h has #define APR_HAS_THREADS 0

So you don't have THREADS and yes #ifdef APR_HAS_THREADS is invalid,
your patch is correct

> Maybe apache/connector has not been ported properly to FreeBSD?

Linux, solaris, windows and many stranges architectures (JF ;)
patches applied to jk_mutex.h

> >>Filename jk\native2\build.xml
> >>
> >>Line #    :  374
> >>Action    : commented
> >>
> >>Reason   :    Having this link option uncommented (original) I could
> >>not acquire libjkjni.so, only .a and .la files present. As far as I
> >>am dummy in FreeBSD C/C++, I used something
> >>"try-to-change-something-and-see-what-you-get" method (it has pretty
> >>russian idiom,but I don't know its analog in English)
> >>
> >>Filename: jk\build.properties
> >>
> >>Some pathes set to correspond to reality (path to apache, etc)
> >>
> >>Filename:    jk\native\apache-2.0\build-unix.sh
> >>
> >>Line #    :  44
> >>Action:    commented.
> >>Line #    :  46
> >>Action    :  uncommented and approved
> >>New line:
> >>INCLUDE="-I ../common -I$APACHE_HOME/include/apr-util $JAVA_INCLUDE"
> > 
> > 
> > Don't use build-unix.sh but instead configure/make. The build.sh is no
> more
> > present in recent jtc cvs, deprecated in favor of autoconf/make 
> > 
> will try this
> > 
> >>Reason    :    while compiling mod_jk.so compiler could not see
> >>connectors includes. I added first statement to make it visible
> >>--- patch history end ---
> Thanks again

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