Henri Gomez wrote:
> Why did you include JK2 docs into Tomcat 4.1.11 ?

Because people who download Tomcat usually want to configure JK also, 
without going online again after downloading the binaries.

> I think it's better to have them on jakarta site (will have to
> create a jakarta-tomcat-connector/jk and jk2 from main pages).

No, it's a bad idea. Experience has shown that people see JK + Tomcat as 
being one product, although we may develop it separately. They also have 
no idea where to look for documentation, and I don't want to link back 
to the web.

So I'd like to include the whole doc bundle with the Tomcat download 
(and have some connector binaries also).

> I agree you should include the java side of JK2 but not the
> native one.
> Don't forget that many users will use jk instead of jk2 since
> it's their current setup and may be desoriented by seing ref
> to jk2 in TC4...

JK the Java code is dead (deprecated, and unsupported). JK 2 the Java 
code is the current code.
mod_jk OTOH is the current code, and mod_jk2 is experimental.


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