On Friday 20 September 2002 06:18 am, Pier Fumagalli wrote:
> Hm.... The original question was about line numbers on JSPs, when they
> are compiled, and when they are executed and throw exceptions, right?
> Yes, it was...
> I said "use some tea" because Tea, developed by Disney, goes exactly in
> that direction, not having "middle layer" .java files over which the
> line number get messed up, they simply compile a template straight into
> ".class" having both the advantage of compiled templates, and the
> advatage that line numbers, both at compilation and runtime, are
> preserved...

No, the original question was about the debugging capabilities that have been 
removed from jasper2. Jasper used to mark the begin and end points in the 
original source in the java translation as comments in the form:
            // HTML // begin [file="/index.jsp";from=(0,0);to=(4,0)]

Restoring that ability would be somewhat difficult as the parser doesn't track 
the endpoints of the nodes, just the starts. 

Jasper2 is able to output data that might be compatible with JSR-45. No one's 
really sure, yet. 

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