Mladen Turk wrote:
> There has been some major fixes inside the uriMap, uriEnv, apr_socket
> and lb that makes the 2_0_0 IMO unusable, and personally I'm ashamed as
> a RM that this was a release after all :(.

Do not!

That is a lot of work to make a release and all of us will benefit to the fact 
you are now fitted to be the next RM :-))

> Since we tagged and released JK2 as beta, seems to me that we could
> easily do the same for the 2.0.1, and just pretend that 2.0.0 ewer
> existed :)
> The question is are we going to wait for a Apache1.3/APR/JNI builds or
> just go without that. But before going to the 2_0_1 (What doesn't kill
> you makes you stronger ;) could you guys do the testing against current
> CVS for all the discussed items.

Do not hurry too much if you think that 2_0_0 is a very bad we should not loose 
time producing binaries for it. But we must make sure 2_0_1 will be good enough 
for beta.

> MT.
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