Mladen Turk wrote:

> When we define a host using scheme [uri:somehost] then only the mappings
> defined for that host are used for uriMap matching.

You mean that 'default' mappings ( those without a host ) shouldn't be 
used ? 

I see the problem - 'default' mappings should be used for requests 
that don't have an explicit host defined. And you would want to finely
control if such a 'default' map can be also used to extend 
host mappings. ( i.e. the 'default' /help to be visible in all 
apps ).

Well, if you can keep it simple, I'm fine. 

> I would like to add the option like 'inherit' that will when set and the
> uriMap wasn't matched for a particular host,  go to the default host and
> try to find a match from there.
> Basically it will duplicate all the default host mappings inside each
> host's mappings. That way we may use the single [uri:/*.jsp] that will
> propagate trough each virtual host that has the 'inherit' flag set.
> Does it make sense to do something like that?


Not sure about 'inherit', but if you can't find a better name.

BTW, what's the reason for adding the 'deprecated' message on jk_uri ? 
At least the path attribute is used by httpd.conf/Location.


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