Pier Fumagalli wrote:
On 30/10/02 20:02, "Martin Algesten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In a nutshell mod_proxy updates its cached entries with whatever new
headers are given to it. E.g. first request comes into mod_proxy and it
can't find the requested resource in its cache. It forwards on to my
tomcat who responds with something like:
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: image/gif
Content-Length: 12345

Second call comes into mod_proxy this time with an "If-Modified-Since"
for the same resource. mod_proxy needs to revalidate its cached entry
against tomcat and does an "If-Modifed-Since" against tomcat and tomcat
HTTP/1.1 304
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 0

At this point mod_proxy updates it's cached entry and ends up with a gif
that has got a Content-Type set to text/html.

Further requests to mod_proxy without "If-Modified-Since" results in
GIFs with strange content types. Thank god for IE not trusting the
content type :)

Nope, that's not it, but it's a good catch. We don't keep proxied content
cached... Thanks a lot for the clarification...
If I got it right there are 2 errors:
1 - Tomcat should not send a Content-Type nor Content-Length.
2 - mod_proxy should complain because we are sending "garbages" or ignore the "invalid" headers.

    Pier (gone diggin' mirrors)

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