
Thanks for the reply.  I'm sorry that my e-mail sounded a bit edgy, but I
felt it had to be that way to get some info back.  I know that people can
get busy at times (I did not know the state of your personal work load at
the moment) so take your time.  I was mostly concerned about not getting any
info about where the review process was, but you have now answered that
question, and I thank you.

As far as JK1 vs. JK2 goes, is the JK2 connector ready?  I seem to remember
reading some docs in the source tree generally stating that since the jk2
stuff is not as seasoned as the jk1 stuff, an upgrade is not recommended for
production systems.... so I am sticking with jk1.  What is/will be the
benefit of switching? Whenever it is felt that the connector is ready for
mass use, I will be upgrading.  I will also be willing to merge my changes
in to jk2.  Do you think it's better to do this sooner or later?

With respect to your last comment:  Is submitting patches as incidents in
bugzilla preferred to posting them on the mailing list?  If so, I will do
this in the future.

Thank you very much.
  .-.    | Steven Velez
  oo|    | Software Engineer
 /`'\    | alventive
(\_;/)   | 678-202-2226

-----Original Message-----
From: Ignacio J. Ortega [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 4:29 PM
To: 'Tomcat Developers List'
Subject: RE: Does anyone care....

Steven, I normally do care of the IIS connector, sorry for not being
quick but as everyone i'm overloaded, your change althought optional is
big and until yesterday i did not reviewed it, and i'll plan to apply it
asap.. If someone can take it and apply, ok from me, but as everybody
here apply something without at least compiling and testing it makes me
very nervous, and i suppouse other committers feel the same..

> ... about the IIS connector?  Every post that I have made 
> with respect to it
> has been more or less ignored over the last couple of weeks.  
> First when I
> reported the problem and asked for advice on how I might implement a
> solution. Then when I implemented a solution without advice 
> and posted the
> patch, and most recently when I asked about the suitability 
> and status of my
> patch.

Nothing cares about your problems mainly because they are you problems,
you are the most interested in them, sooo :).. 

the real reason is that the IIS connector in his old jk1 version is only
touched by a small subset of committers, me in between them, and we all
are very very busy atm, sorry.., but that's life..

> What do I have to do to get some support?  I'm willing to follow any
> protocol that is required... I would just appreciate not 
> having to apply my
> patch every time I upgrade the connector to the latest 
> official version.

Steven, the jk1 IIS connector it's freezed from many many time ago.. so
it cannot be that hard to follow the development.. ;) and you have
learned the protocol very well, maybe a bug with the patch as an
attachment could do the trick.... ;)..  

Ignacio J. Ortega 

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