Just a quick note: the name "Puff" means "whorehouse"
in german... :) 

  BTW: Can I try it somewhere?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Federico [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 2:17 PM
> Subject: Maybe a new addon for TomCat?!
> Hi,
> we are five italian programmers and we have finished some 
> days ago "Puff", a http cache proxy written in java that have 
> some interesting features like a spider that prefetch the web 
> links and an option to convert all images to black and white 
> one to have a speeder connection for the client. This 
> software is free licensed (we haven't already choosed what 
> type but this is free however!!) and we think to jakarta 
> subprojects. Then talking in the jakarta subproject mailing 
> list someone suggested us to propose our proxy as module for 
> TomCat like mod_proxy is for Apache 2.0 and we agreed this 
> idea. If it is possible tell us how we have to send it, the 
> documentation and what ever you want.
> Best regards
> Paparoni Federico 

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