For everyone who want to test our software and tell us how it is:

1)We require a JVM 1.4.0 because we use regular expression and something
2) Yes it's a stand alone application, maybe we can do a module of TomCat if
someone told us

This is the link where you can download it  to test it, .
When you unzip you must start the server proxy with the class starter (java
starter) and
then you have to set the port and the other feature with the GUI that is in
the subdirectory GUI,
from which you have to start the class PuffConf (java PuffConf). Here you
have to insert login (administrator),
pass(dragon),server(your ip).
Then in the second dialog you have to select the port where you want to bind
the proxy and the max slot number
(SLOT MASSIMI IN CACHE). Then you can test the proxy with the two feature
that are black and white (in the version
that i give you gif are not implemented but i have'nt now the last copy)
selecting BIANCO E NERO ATTIVATO and then the
spider that prefetch the web selecting SPIDER ATTIVATO. Now you can start
the proxy turning back in the first dialog and selecting
AVVIA PROXY radiobutton then click ESEGUI. Now the proxy is started. Set it
in your browser with the port you have selected and then
start browsing internet and tell us what you think about it.

(Sorry for the GUI in italian and not in English ;))



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