Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:

>>BTW - in order to release modeler we need at least 3 +1 votes - so far I
>>feel a bit alone :-) Is anyone else interested in this piece ?
> I am :-) If I can collaborate, guide me to what we need to do for
> releasing it :-)

I don't know :-) 

I'm just fixing itches as I discover them. The thing I miss the most is
feedback - has anyone tried the embed target ? Was anyone able to run
tomcat using the JMX ant tasks ? 

Some time ago I checked in a feature that allow people to add/remove/restart
Contexts using exclusively JMX. Has anyone used this ? Is it worth doing
the same for connectors and other components ?

Modeler is mostly driven by tomcat JMX-ification. The code is as stable as
it allways was - I don't think I broke any existing API. The new features 
to support beans that are not explicitely declared in the descriptors.xml
file seem to work fine and seems stable. 

The main issue is the new APIs - since they evolved based on the various
needs in tomcat. A release would froze them - and they had almost no
external feedback. In general - I have the feeling I'm the only user of
the new features - and that is really bad and it slows everything down. 


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