
Sorry to mail you directly, but this doesn't seem like a major group
discussion kind of thing.

At work I'm doing a project that has an interesting set of criteria for user
authentication that I haven't really seen a way to do with JAAS readily.

Basically it boils down to this, a user has a userid, a password, and a
potential 'secondary' password.

What I haven't been able to figure out is if there would be a way through
realms to implement this type of
authentication scheme.  This is really just a "wonder how it could be done"
question and if you have no time to possibly give me some thoughts no big

Thanks for any ideas on how this /might/ be done if you get some time.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Costin Manolache" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 20:31
Subject: JAAS Auth

> Hi,
> I'm close to get JAAS realm and the memory LoginModule working - if I
> remember correctly we agreed to make JAAS the default for 5.0 ( I don't
> remember any objections ).
> I never tried it in 4.x - but from the code and code I strongly doubt it
> works.
> There is one change I would like to make.
> As you know, JAAS login modules return a Subject and a set of Principals.
> There is no clear way to decide which Principals are Roles - so we
> currently require the user to configure the realm with the list of classes
> that are role principals.
> In addition to that, I would like to support a different pattern - used
> in JBoss - which seems much cleaner and logical.
> If a Principal of type "" is found - named
"Roles" -
> we'll treat all the Principlas in that Group as roles. ( the old mechanism
> should still be supported, of course )
> The other problem: I think we should move the catalina-indepedent JAAS
> code in a separate module, for example j-t-c/jaas. That would include
> SimplePrincipal, MemoryLoginModule - and eventually JNDI/JDBC/etc
> LoginModules if anyone has the time to make the conversion. It's not a big
> priority, but it'll clean up the code deps and maybe the code could be
> reused.
> Opinions ? Votes ?
> Costin
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