On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, George Sexton wrote:

| It's also horribly broken and not compliant with the servlet API.
| Specifically, it doesn't forward all requests within the context to the
| servlet engine, but attempts to let Apache fulfill static requests.

Isn't that one of the good reasons for having Apache as frontend? Serving
(largish) images and other static files (e.g. stylesheets, XML, dtds etc)
could be much mor effectively done by Apache, instead of using IPC of some
kind to an Java engine, which had to parse and serve the request.. I mean,
there are _large_ overheads that could be avoided..

If the mod_webapp served static requests, but honored the web.xml file
_completly_, then it would be great, right?

Endre Stølsvik               M[+47 93054050] F[+47 51625182]
Developer @ CoreTrek AS         -  http://www.coretrek.com/
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