----- Original Message -----
From: "Costin Manolache" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 5:49 AM
Subject: Re: FAQ location

> Tim Funk wrote:
> > Currently I have the FAQ at:
> > http://tomcatfaq.sourceforge.net/
> >
> > I have just finished tweaking it (and added some more content) into the
> > look and feel used by the rest of the tomcat site. You can see it here:
> > http://cvs.apache.org/~funkman/faq/
> >
> > (I is horrible on grammar and spellng, so I hope to clean up the worst
> > those mistakes this upcoming week. Sorry if some of the sentences are so
> > horribly constructed that it hurts the brain.)
> >
> > Is there any preference to where the FAQ should live?
> >    SourceForge? (Status quo)
> >    My public_html account on cvs.apache.org?
> >    Merged under jakarta-tomcat-site? (Then anyone with access may make
> >    edits) Other?
> +1 for moving it on jakarta-tomcat, if you want to.

I hope you mean jakarta-tomcat-site, since last I looked it didn't really
cover 3.3 much ;-).
Add my +1 for jakarta-tomcat-site.

> Costin
> > I am content maintaining this myself (status quo) by using CVS with
> > sourceforge and adding anyone as needed.
> >
> > If you want to see the CVS version (and build):
> > export CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/tomcatfaq
> > # Just press enter at password prompt
> > cvs -d login
> > cvs co jakarta
> > cd jakarta
> > ant
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