Remy Maucherat wrote:
Brian Olsen wrote:

Hey Guys,

I just made a proposed patch for the enhancement request I made regarding the SIP Servlet API

It adds a new interface org.apache.catalina.ServletSession that contains the methods that HttpSession has in common with
SipSession and SipApplicationSession.

The interface changes are non-intrusive meaning that it changes or adds no functionality so if a class implements HttpSession it will also
implement all the methods in ServletSession.

To make catalina support the new interface have have made the following changes:
org.apache.catalina.Session - changed to return a ServletSession in the getSession() method
org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession - makes it implement ServletSession and typecasts to HttpSession where needed.
org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSessionFacade - makes it implement ServletSession
org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteRequest - typecasts from ServletSession to HttpSession in the getSession( boolean )

I'm not that thrilled by the patch, because we made the decision in TC 5 to work only with the HTTP protocol, for complexity reasons. Actually, it's merely the underlying protocol having to behave like HTTP (although the older TC 4.0 was supposedly protocol generic, it ended up being designed with HTTP in mind, so it wasn't much better).

I know a bit the SIP spec, and that patch would sove the problem for sessions. How do you plan to solve it for the connector ?
(the idea is that Coyote - supporting HTTP and JK - will remain the only supported connector in TC 5, the internal Catalina API being conserved for compatibility, or at least easy porting, of any old Catalina module)
I don't see how there should be a problem with the connector, besides the fact that it has to also do outgoing connections. This only means that it gets a little more complex than the ordinary connector but not anything I have worries about.

It is sad that you made that descision especially with the arrival of
SIP Servlets that is the first real specification for using servlets for something other than HTTP. Before you could only guess as to how servlets otherwise could be used.
But how will this decision affect the future of the internal Catalina API??? Will you deprecate all of it, just parts, redesign it all from scratch??

I also have another project further ahead in the process than this one (It actually has running code), where I have implemented my own RTSP Servlet API using Catalina and partly based on Coyote. It's my hope to start making it into a proper Java specification later this year.

So I'm very interested in what the future internals of Tomcat will look like since two of my projects rely on them.

- Brian

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