I'd like to completely remove session recycling code from TC 5, as it is a potentially dangerous feature (which has been disabled in TC 4.1.x) and does not bring any actual performance improvement while using memory.
The biggest impact of the change is the removal of the recycled array list for base manager, which can break existing TC 4 managers. OTOH, using that is unsafe, and fixing an affected manager is very easy (just remove whatever recylcling code was used).

I plan to keep Session.recycle around (nulling out references can help GC, esp since there could be a lot of session objects - with all their children - waiting to be GCed).

Comments ?

If it can't be used safely at all my gut instinct would be to remove it to prevent something from blowing up in peoples faces. It also sounds like a "performance enhancement" which has gone wrong, so it's a prime candidate for removal in my opinion. (But then what do I know :)

erm +1 is it?


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