From: "Henri Gomez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It was u_long before I change it in in_addr_t and then change
> it back to u_long.

Oh. I guess I should have done a bit more research.;-) I just started
attempting to get mod_jk going on sparc64 a few days ago. However, using a
u_long for laddr is the cause of jk_resolve failing on OpenBSD/sparc64. The
memcpy at the end copies all zeros into rc->sin_addr when u_long is used.

There are some other issues going on with mod_jk OpenBSD/sparc64, so its not
yet working even with this corrected. Given that, it may not make sense to
hold up the release for this. I will need to put in more time to investigate
the next issue.

OpenBSD-3.3/sparc64 uses Apache 1.3.27 so this is not an issue with the new
APR code. I tested releases 1.2.1 - 1.2.5 on OpenBSD/sparc64 and they all
don't work. It wasn't until recently that I had time to start investigating
it. I'll post patches here as I make progress.


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