Mladen Turk wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Henri Gomez

Ok, about everybody seems to agree on using apr for jk2
(still waiting Nacho for IIS).

IIS uses APR by default (staticaly linked) for a long time.

APR side will be to :

- Update doc to indicate that APR is mandatory

- Remove #idef APR

- Use APR for all OS operation and sus will save us from
  handling all the #include for all the diverses IO operation
  (it's really a pain).

- For now still use_jk pool, but the version using apr_tools.

- Make socket use apr_socket for compatibility.

Why? Just rename
env->registerFactory( env, "channel.socket",
jk2_channel_socket_factory );
env->registerFactory( env,
"channel.socket",jk2_channel_apr_socket_factory );

and drop the socket channel.

Exactly ...

And no the who's who ;)

I'd like to know who could works on jk2 evolution.



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