Shapira, Yoav wrote:
Have people read this article?  I find it interesting.  If you haven't,
it's a benchmark comparison of a java.nio-based server with tomcat 5.
The benchmark server is tiny and contains only a small subset of
functionality.  I am also not sure of how representative of the
real-world this benchmark is, because all clients are set to keep-alive.
Is that typical?  What else do people think about this article?

Complete BS ;)
The model will only work for select few applications. What if you have processing that requires 1s ?
We're building an application server here (I hope). NB I/O vs B I/O is simply the same as comparing cooperative mutitasking with preemptive multitasking. The first one is way easier to implement in a very efficient way, but in practice there's a reason why everyone switched: it just doesn't work, except for special, controlled environments.

IMO, the underlying OSes need to be fixed (Linux 2.6 does this, I believe).

Note that this is not about classic I/O versus NIO: NIO can be used in either blocking or non blocking modes.


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