----- Original Message -----
From: "Remy Maucherat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: cvs commit:
Mapper.java MappingData.java

Remy Maucherat wrote:
>>> luehe       2004/03/16 11:24:59
>>>  Modified:    util/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/http/mapper Mapper.java
>>>                         MappingData.java
>>>   Log:
>>>   Fix for Bugzilla 27664 ("Welcome files not found in combination with
>>>   jsp-property-group")
>>>     Rather than having the JspServlet know about welcome files, the
>>> mapper
>>>   algorithm has been amended to search for welcome files in URI spaces
>>>   that match a url-pattern in a jsp-property-group.
>>>     Please review carefully and let me know what you think.
>> Obviously I hate it.
>> Since when the mapper must have JSP stuff in it ?

My opinion is much like Remy's here.

>> It just shows the specification is broken.
> And to think you're likely going to do something even uglier to fix
> "bug" 27704.
> I can't wait ;)
> Seriously: the specification needs to be fixed, as I do not plan to
> integrate these changes in any release.
> I thought about something a little bit cleaner to address the "bugs". I
> think you need to remove the extra servlet mappings for the JSP servlets
> jsp-property-group. Then add something to the context valve (calling a
> utility class to do the "mapping" = change the servlet from the default
> servlet or other to the JSP servlet if it matches a jsp-property-group;
> the algorithms are very similar to filter mapping). Unfortunately, the
> request dispatcher will also have to call this utility class :( This
> adds a significant amount of complexity in the servlet layer ...

Since from section 3.3 of the JSP spec, jsp-property-groups are translation
time mappings, the only "clean" solution I can see would be to implement
something like the TC 3.3 JspInterceptor (obviously, changed to a JspValve
:) that would handle the pre-compilation checks with the required
jsp-property-group applied.  This would still be bending the spec a bit, but
not as much as this patch does.

> I can suggest sensible erratas to the specification if you need them.
> Rémy

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