Shapira, Yoav wrote:

Fact is Java ( or at least the current JVMs) is among the worse
languages when it comes to integration with other systems. "Connectors"
are attempts to solve this.

Whoa there ;)  Maybe if you're talking about JNI, but not integration in
general ;)  It's a very broad term.

Integration with other native, complex systems - not only via JNI - is
usually a big pain. Some browsers ( konqueror for example ) don't even use JNI ( AFAIK ) for their applets - but a sort of out-of-process connector. Same for mozilla ( or at least some variants ).

I think it's important to recognize the problems and try to solve them -
this is IMO one of the weak points in java ( and one of the few areas where .net is significantly better ).

That's probably why I tought "let's integrate PHP" was an April 1 joke :-).

If Mladen is serious about that - I would love to see a solution, hopefully one that can be reused for other systems as well. Long ago,
mod_jk had as a goal to "integrate" with apache ( auth, etc ). I think fully integrating PHP ( in the sense of bi-directional communication - php pages using java components and java using php fragments / modules ) is much harder.

Again - I don't want to discourage Mladen, but to see if he's aware of
the problems and if he has some good solution. I would like to see more
on the design and tricks he intends to use, maybe we can all learn some


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