Filip Hanik (lists) wrote:
BTW, is it ok if I start my refatoring(s) in a separate branch based on

go ahead, refator. :-)

I'll "refator" then.

I'll redo logging as well, and define c-l categories (for webapps, for example) to be able to eventually remove Logger altogether.
Other things:
- attempt to redo a bit the deployer to be able to remove the CL code which is there to avoid JAR locking (and then use the optimized CL for the whole container); this is for faster startup
- switch to something other than digester to remove some commons deps (?) (I'm thinking about beanutils and collections); if we don't do that, I think we should do package renaming on these utilities to lower the likelihood of a user being locked into a specific release
- I'll try to avoid touching the sensitive stuff as much as possible (connector, anything related with the servlet API impl) to avoid regressions

(obviously the two branches will need to remain synced)

I think 5.0.x should be put in a tomcat_5_branch, while the refactoring is done in HEAD. Or I use a separate folder.


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