Shapira, Yoav wrote:
So at some point soon (the next day or two), we want to put the current
tomcat 5 code on a branch called tomcat_5_0 (the actual branch name is
tentative but let's use tomcat_5_0 for example).  We'll do this after
tagging TOMCAT_5_0_26 on the main branch.

The actual CVS command is easy: cvs rtag -r TOMCAT_5_0_26 -b TOMCAT_5_0
(repeat once for each tomcat CVS module, jakarta-tomcat-5,
jakarta-tomcat-catalina, etc.)

Subsequent checkouts and tagging operations against this have to specify
-r TOMCAT_5_0 or else they work against the default, main/head branch.
Commits are easy (don't need a branch specified) as they automatically
work against the branch where the checkout was done.

Is that it?  Should we be concerned about the fact that the main/head
codebase will not be as stable, so users trying to build head (or
automated/nightly/gump trying to build head) may run into trouble?

Yes (but I recommend putting a new 5.0.27 tag when branching, wven if we don't bother doing a proper release). No (HEAD is supposed to mean trouble, right ;) ).

For now, I think a branch is only needed in jakarta-tomcat-catalina (if there are problems, I'll use a build2.xml in jakarta-tomcat-5 with temporary hacks).


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