Graham Leggett wrote:
> Thing is it's easier for end users to not have to mess around 
> with third party builds if it can possibly be avoided, and 
> it's the needs of the end users who are the most important, 
> not the developers.

It was the main reason why we tried to go beyond the concepts of jk/jk2 and
Also, nowadays almost every server implementation requires some sort of
dynamic context delivery.
Ajp concept has a nice feature not being dependant on any external toolkits
like for example mod_perl and php are, so it's a good candidate for
inclusion inside the core distribution.

> The fact that the current module has to be built separately 
> is a huge issue for the users of the module, making such a 
> module a built in addition to proxy will make people's lives easier.

Henri tried to see if there is a common interest to possibly make a mod_ajp
part of the core distribution.
Think that discussion is leading to use the mod_proxy like a container for
ajp protocol, that could be fine, but something like mod_proxy concept we
already have in the jk2, called modular protocol. The main reason why we are
trying to make a successor for jk/jk2 is simplicity and static set of
requirements. Trying again to use the something would lead to the same
problems thought.

I don't think that it is necessary for a mod_ajp to be included inside the
mod_proxy, although they are sharing some common concepts. Having load
balancer on top of mod_proxy would be a nice feature, but the main purpose
for them is different.
The purpose of mod_ajp is to communicate with the (one or more of them in a
cluster) application servers using ajp13+ protocol; simple as that. Proxy
module has a conceptually different approach, and it is meant to be used for
different purposes.

I think it would be better that we develop the module inside j-t-c tree, and
kindly ask the guys to see if there is a possibility to include it in the
core distribution, when we reach some level of stability.


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