Costin Manolache wrote:

Remy Maucherat wrote:

Costin Manolache wrote:

Quick question - did you had any discussion on class loaders for
It's one area I'm playing with, I want to make sure I'm not going in oposite direction :-)

I'll tweak the StandardCL to do a bit the same as the WebappCL (ie, try to make it faster). I'll also remove the anti locking hacks which are in WebappCL.

Ok. I'm experimenting with having tomcat use other class loaders ( for example if embedded in another app, or used with a different runtime - like eclipse OSGI ).

In JBoss, the default is to use the JBoss loader. Is there any big difference ?

BTW - another feature idea would be to extend the JMX configuration into the webapps, i.e. allow jmx apps to view and configure context and servlet params, and support servlets implementing MBean interfaces. The init(ServletConfig) model is pretty archaic :-)

You're touching the application layer here. I'm not really in favor of allowing proprietary stuff in that area (Tomcat has been pretty strict about that in the past, with very few features being added). The init model is indeed archaic (I think it's a good cadidate for being replaced with dependency injection in the next spec, but we're not there yet) ;)
The Context and Wrapper are both modeled: I don't see why an app couldn't access with JMX that if it wants to.

JMX is not proprietary :-)

Yes, but allowing to configure webapps in Tomcat using it is ;)

Don't know what "dependency injection" is, but I hope the next spec won't invent yet another way to do configuration.

Sorry for using hype words. I got contaminated, it can happen to anyone. I'll try to shake it off now. I apologise to the community for that, and I won't do it again (hopefully) ;)

The context and wrapper have associated JMX mbeans, and that's nice - but they only work on the 'envelope', they provide some measurements and configurability for the wrapper, without any interaction with the servlet itself.

What I'm intereseted is how can a servlet implement MBean ( again, there is nothing in the servlet spec preventing a servlet to implement another standard interface ), and how can it register itself. And then how tomcat ( or some jmx module ) could interact with this.

Ah, ok. Well, I don't have that or anything related on my list, so there's no conflict ;)


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