Henri Gomez wrote:
> > 
> > Graham Leggett wrote:
> > 
> >>Just rewriting mod_ajp for v2.0 isn't anything different to 
> >>what exists now, so I don't see the point.
> > 
> > Well, that's how you see it.
> > IMO trying again to squize the apache2->Tomcat module 
> inside some already
> > present solution would again lead to nowhere, and finally 
> rise the questions
> > like we are rising today.
> Not sure since mod_proxy will associate to a ajp://VIRTUALNAME, and in
> such case it's up to proxy_ajp to decide to :

I think that we forked from jk/jk2 to be able to write from the scratch the
module that will do exactly _one_ and _only_one_ thing; and that is
effectively communicate with TC server using ajp13+ protocol.
So, my question is. Why do we need again some container to accomplish that?
There are just too many compromises that we need to take if building
proxy_ajp, and I thought that we wish no compromises at all.

If we don' t build a module that will do exactly what it's meant to be
doing, well... Same story again, and I don't understand why one would wish
to do that?

If someone wishes to make a proxy_ajp I don't have a problem with that,
quite opposite, but I still wish to write (like initially said) the module
that will only and only communicate to application server cluster, nothing
less, nothing more. We already have a bunch of modules that can use WTF
protocol you wish, but no one can configure or use it without reading 500
page book that doesn't even exists.

> - keep the socket open
> - handle a pool of socket
> - fall back to another AJP instance in the cluster.
> So I think it could be done

I'm sure it can, but like I said, you can mimic the mod_proxy inside jk2. It
also can be done :)


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