Henri Gomez wrote:
Remy Maucherat wrote:

Henri Gomez wrote:

I made some benchs on my Linux Fedora Core 2
on a P4 2.8ghz / 1Gb RAM :

Apache 2.0.50 in

 - Apache 2.0.50 alone (simple html file)

 - TC 3.3.2/Coyote 1.1

 - Apache 2.0.50 + jk 1.2.6 + TC 3.3.2/jk2

JkMount /examples/* local


- Apache 2.0.50 + mod_proxy + TC 3.3.2 (Coyote 1.1).

ProxyPass /tc3/ http://localhost:11011/
ProxyPassReverse /tc3/ http://localhost:11011/

Apache Bench is running on another machine, Windows 2000 P3 1Ghz, and both systems are on a switched 100Mbps network :

Apache 2 alone 1202 req/s TC/Coyote 883 req/s Apache 2 + jk + TC 906 req/s Apache 2 + proxy + TC 497.req/s (but with 8000 errors ;(

Constatation :

- Remy make a tremendous works since Coyote HTTP 1.1 is only 15% slower
  than the Apache 2 native HTTP.

- mod_proxy is 50% slower than mod_jk and that's a really bad news.
  Also many errors appears, about 4% errors.

- Tomcat via jk or mod_proxy, when on the same machine make a cpu load
  of 60% system and 30% user. Tomcat alone is 33% system and 10% user.

How could we optimize mod_proxy settings since I'm using the standard httpd.conf ?

It's quite bad :( Did you check everything was ok using verbose ?
ab -n 1 -v 10
All your tests show "Keep-Alive requests: 0 " in the result. It should work ok with Tomcat standalone (to be honest, I didn't try 3.3 with the current HTTP/1.1 connector), and with Apache as well.

ab uses HTTP/1.0 keepalive with the "-k" option.

Well I was thinking ab (2.0.40) use HTTP 1.1. I'll retest it
with JMeter :)

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mod_proxy in ap_proxy_http_cleanup() closes the socket if HTTP is <1.1 is that correct?

The request was (from ab):
GET /examples/ HTTP/1.0^M
User-Agent: ApacheBench/2.0.40-dev^M
Connection: Keep-Alive^M
Host: localhost:7779^M
Accept: */*^M

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