Mladen Turk wrote:
Henri Gomez wrote:

We don't need that (at least stuff that creates the connection)

the ajplib should provide this service isn't it ?
It will ease the task for developpers. It's not so easy to create a socket via APR and the extra cost will be usefull for APR beginers (including myself )

OK. but the api should use the apr_socket_t and conn_rec.
I was thinking to make the wrapper for ap_run_create_connection that will
create the conn_rec from socket_t.

We code split in :

ajp_ilink_setsocket(apr_socket_t) :)

Well, I was thinking to use something simpler that will do that in a single
ajp_connect_to_backend(pool, apr_socket_t **, conn_rec **, timeout,

Ok, I removed stuff from ajp_link.c so you could implement the ajp_connect_to_backend as you wish :)

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