Graham Leggett wrote:
> >   Allow parsing lbfactor for ProxyPassReverse in the form
> >   ProxyPassReverse scheme://uri/path(lbfactor).
> >   The lbfactor is number 1...100 inside braces.
> Just a quick note - ProxyPassReverse is for dealing with the 
> conversion of Location headers from the backend to the frontend.

Disregard my previous post:

Here is what I meant:

ProxyPass /url balancer:number//[stickysessionname | none]/[nofailover]

ProxyRemote balancer:number <ajp|http>://host-1(lbfactor)
ProxyRemote balancer:number <ajp|http>://host-2(lbfactor) ...
ProxyRemote balancer:number <ajp|http>://host-n(lbfactor)

And (eventually) ...

ProxyPassReverse /url balancer:number
> A load balancing module should be using it's own directive for this, 
> not ProxyPassReverse.

You may have other ideas perhaps.
Feel free to share them. It's still in early design stage :)


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