Remy Maucherat wrote:

Shapira, Yoav wrote:

Alright ;) That saved me some effort ;) Forget my suggestion, and I'll leave this issue open for now. There are enough other ones for me to look at ;)

Well, you can do that part, but not the way you suggested.

In the meantime, I'll do what Peter suggested and clean up deprecated and useless fields (minProcessors, etc).

I can see about usage (reflection doesn't count, as it wouldn't be as part of the request processing):

- getAcceptCount: not used
- getAdress: not used in the critical path
- getAllowTrace: used
- getBufferSize: not used
- getCiphers: not used
- getClientAuth: not used
- getCompression: not used
- getConnectionLinger: not used
- getConnectionTimeout: not used
- getConnectionUploadTimeout: not used
- getDisableUploadTimeout: not used
- getEnableLookups: used
- getKeepAlive: not used
- getKeyAlias: not used
- getKeystoreFile: not used
- getKeystorePass: not used
- getMaxHttpHeaderSize: not used
- getMaxKeepAliveRequests: not used
- getMaxPostSize: used
- getPort: used
- getProtocol: used
- getProxyName: used
- getProxyPort: used
- getRedirectPort: used
- getScheme: used
- getSecure: used
- getServerSocketTimeout: not used
- getSslProtocol: not used
- getSslProtocols: not used
- getTcpNoDelay: not used
- getThreadPriority: not used
- getTomcatAuthentication: not used
- getURIEncoding: used
- getUseBodyEncodingForURI: used

(special thx to Eclipse and the "open call hierarchy" feature :) )

Everything marked as "used" should not be delegated, while everything else can be. One of the issues is that the get methods would fail until init() is called. That may or may not be an issue. An option would be to tie the Connector object creation with the creation of the protocol handler instance.


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