Costin Manolache wrote:

Well, I'm working over a year now on a project that I've called apr-java. This is a thin (for now) wrapper around apr and apr-utils, so it will be supported on all platforms the apr is.

BTW - it would be really great if it would use the SWT model, i.e. JNI methods matching exactly the APR signatures and param types, with minimal ammount of C wrapper code. It works really well, and it's the easiest to maintain and fastest of all JNI flavors I've seen.

Exactly. IMO the SWT from Eclipse proved to be as effective and easy to use as any other Java package or library. And that is what I have done with my apr-java.

Right now I've implemented it using the org.apache.apr.native
with the Library, Pool, Error, File, Mutex, Mmap, Shm,
Socket and Pollset as containers for specific APR functions
with exactly the same function prototypes.
The wrapping code is really minimal, and in lot cases done
as macros.
I did not tried to wrap the code that has better or
direct implementation in Java like string, thread, etc...

Also the project does not prevent that we add any additional
functionality not present in the APR.


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