Mladen Turk wrote:
Peter Lin wrote:

I'm thinking of adding system load stats to the status servlet. What
do other's think about it? It would use JNI to call a native lib and
it would only work on unix, but it would be good to have.

Well, I'm working over a year now on a project that I've called
apr-java. This is a thin (for now) wrapper around apr and apr-utils,
so it will be supported on all platforms the apr is.
Things like true shared memory, process mutexes, advanced networking,
pipes, etc. that are missing from the core Java will be supported.
Usages are many, like writing high-performance networking connector
for Tomcat, making Tomcat a Apache mpm-like server with multiple
JVMs, etc...

I hope I'll have a working start point this month, so we could discuss
is it worth the effort at all, would it fit inside JTC, commons, or
to go trough apache incubation as a separate project.

I like that apr-java. It would be a useful basis for experimentation.


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